Campbell & Haliburton Group has been serving those in and around our community since 1957. We offer our clients expert investment, Real Estate & Property Management, Construction and Insurance advice. The Campbell & Haliburton Group believes a strong community is good for everyone. Culture, teamwork and being a part of the Regina Community are one of the CH Group of Companies’ values. Here is a summary of the last couple of month’s of activities.
Bowling and Escape Rooms
If you wondering what the 2 events have in common, it would be the CH Group of Companies, Campbell & Haliburton Insurance team.
Wanting to try a new company teambuilding exercise, the company tried the District 3 Escape Rooms in Regina. Being a large group of people they broke into 2 groups and had a little competition amongst themselves as to who could escape first. One group was everyone who had never been to an escape room before, they did a beginner’s difficulty to get familiar with how escape rooms work and managed to get out after 40 mins. The second group was everyone who had done escape rooms before, they had a more difficult room. Unfortunately, the second group with all its previous experience did not escape. Better luck next time!
Light Up The Village
Light Up the Village is an annual community event that happens in the Regina Cathedral area. Many of the stores stay open late for Christmas shopping. Campbell & Haliburton organized a hayride for anyone willing to adventure outside and brave the cold to get pulled around by two big Clydesdales, Mike, and Ace. Cookies and hot chocolate were handed out during the event to keep everyone smiling and warm. CH Group of Companies thanks Jim and his company Iron Horse Wedding Carriage & Wagon Rides for coming out!
Annual Laughs
We had our annual company party and everyone had a great time mingling and enjoying the buffet of food and drinks. Staff at all 5 companies were invited, CH Insurance, CH Living, CH Built, Artemis Homes, and Canadiana Pizza. Always looking for an opportunity to try something new, one of the highlights of the evening was playing a version of Pin the Tail on the Donkey. It was custom-made and changed to a photoshopped donkey with John’s face on it. The game was then changed to Pin a Tail on a Johnkey. It was a blast with lots of excitement and laughs. Thankfully, John is always a good sport and knows the humiliation is all love.